New Year's Resolutions for 2021

Your year's resolutions like you've never seen before

New Year's Resolutions for 2021 Workshop

We want to give you a gift for 2021 and this is this small six-hour course, totally free and in which we will work on the resolutions for this 2021.

We could define Neuro-Linguistic Programming as an extremely practical path of self-knowledge and in this course on NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS we will get to the point and explore how NLP can help us to plan for 2021 effectively.

We teach how to work with NLP through experience, since we are convinced that the world is much more than what we can cognitively describe and perceive and this "much more", although we cannot explain it, I can experience it.

For example, we may have a goal in life that we have been with for a long time (sometimes our entire life) and, although I wish it a lot, all the actions I do in life do not stop moving me away from this goal, and cognitively I find many reasons for not even trying and that usually have to do with exogenous reasons (such as: family, money, I don't have time, ...) or you may find reasons that have to do with me (such as: I won't be able, I still don't know enough, ...).

But very rarely do we go much further to account for how we actually make decisions and how we plan unconsciously. And this is the part that we will be working on during this six-hour course. And we will do it through a few exercises.

Exercises of the workshop

1st - Inventory: Objectively investigate our experience through the senses.

2nd - Associated / Dissociated: bring awareness to how plastic our experience is.

3rd - Importance of internal state: experiment with different internal states and realize the different results that we obtain depending on which one we are in.

4th - Perception of time: in time, between time and through time.

5th - Creation of resolutions: create objectives that demand the most of you and that contribute to your growth on the road.

6th - Live the resolution and bring this experience to the present.

7th - Criteria: what values govern your life. What is more important for you.

8th - Hierarchy of criteria: what purposes will have more priority over others.

9th - Strategy V: what happens if you don't take action?

How to register?

Simply fill in your information by following the following link and you will be able to enjoy this mini course completely free of charge.